If you are looking for a divorce mediator in 92014, it may be overwhelming to choose. There are a lot of divorce attorneys out there, but not many exclusive mediation firms in San Diego. If you and your soon-to-be-ex are willing to work together to create an agreement that works for you, mediation may be a great fit. Attorneys are notoriously expensive, and it is no exception when it comes to divorce. The average divorce is approximately $35,000 or more per person. That is $75,000 for the most basic divorces! Mediation is a fraction of the cost, often averaging around $7,000-10,000 total, depending on the complexity of your case.
Divorce Mediator 92014
If you live in the Del Mar area, you may dread driving downtown to meet with an attorney, attend court hearings, and drop off paperwork. Our divorce mediators can do everything remotely, with you never having to step foot inside a courtroom. In mediation, you and the other party meet in our virtual zoom room or within our comfortable office. We go through the entire divorce process from start to finish on your schedule. We first address the issues most important to you. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to your mediator or a member of our team.
Getting Ready for Your Consultation
The first step is our free consultation that you can complete online. Schedule a time most convenient to you. It can be either alone or with the other party. Bring any questions you have about mediation or the divorce process at large. You are not required to move forward if you decide that we are not a good fit for your case. Our goal is to help you through this challenging emotional process in the most non-confrontational way possible. We genuinely believe that a divorce does not mean the end, just the end of a chapter of your life and the start of a new one.
If you would like to contact us to schedule your free virtual consultation, call (858) 707-5133. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about choosing a divorce mediator 92014.