A more collaborative, affordable alternative to litigation

Through divorce mediation, you and your spouse work together with a neutral third party, your mediator, to negotiate and reach agreements and put together the legal paperwork associated with your divorce. Rather than litigating your divorce, we believe in a collaborative approach to divorce that keeps you in control of major family decisions. After all, a courtroom judge doesn’t know or have the time to understand your family dynamic.

Whether you’re looking for convenient online divorce mediation, in-person mediation, document preparation services, or help with custody and visitation agreements, the mediation experts at West Coast Family Mediationare available to assist you. All of our mediators have their law degrees, extensive mediation training and most also hold their CDFA® certification.

Our Divorce Services


Online Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Document Preparation Services

Document Preparation Services

Divorce Planning Icon

Divorce Planning

Divorce Financial Mediation & Analysis (CDFM) Icon

Divorce Financial Mediation & Analysis (CDFA™)

Dissolution of Same-Sex & Non-Marital Relationships Icon

Dissolution of Same-Sex & Non-Marital Relationships

Custody & Visitation Parenting Plans Icon

Custody & Visitation: Parenting Plans

Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) Icon

Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)

Post-Divorce Modification Icon

Post-Divorce Modification

Child Support & Spousal Support Calculators Icon

Child Support & Spousal Support Calculators

Gain the benefits of divorce mediation, from your own home

For online divorce mediation, all you need is a computer or phone with Internet access and a web camera. Our mediators can navigate you through the entire divorce process without you ever having to leave your home. This is a great option for anyone who feels more comfortable meeting from home and would prefer to not drive to our offices or are far from our in-person locations.

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Begin your divorce mediation today