Divorce mediation resources to guide you through

At West Coast Family Mediationwe strive to provide our prospective, current and past clients with as much information as possible during their transitions. Here, you’ll find more information about why to choose mediation as well as a convenient FAQ section that answers broader questions about our divorce mediation services. You’ll also find trusted professional referrals to vetted marriage therapists and divorce coaches as well as any other referrals you may need. Additionally, we have informative webinars and other resources to make this process easier.

Our Divorce Mediation Resources

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Why Mediation?

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Books, Websites, & More

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Trusted Professional Referrals

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Online Drop-In Clinic

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Let us help you and your family move forward

Mediation is the key to a brighter, more stable future for you and your loved ones. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.