What to Look for When Considering Divorce Mediation In San Diego County

When you are looking for divorce mediation in San Diego County, it may seem really overwhelming. There are a lot of options out there, both large and small firms, that focus on divorce mediation. At West Coast Family Mediation, our team is dedicated to ensuring the divorce process goes smoothly, and both parties are involved in each stage of the divorce process.

Through Communication During the Divorce Process

An experienced mediator works with both parties, ensuring there is a thorough understanding at each step in the process. The mediator doesn’t represent either party but instead is there to help everyone navigate the legal and financial implications of each decision.

How Much Divorce Mediation In San Diego County Costs

The cost of divorce mediation is often much lower than the cost of litigation. It is no secret that long court battles can result in hefty legal bills. It isn’t uncommon for people to have to spend anywhere from $40,000-$100,000 on divorce litigation alone.

Divorce mediation is a fraction of the cost of litigation and is done in a flat-fee method, so you know how much it will cost upfront, with no surprises. The overall cost will depend on the complexity of your divorce, so it is best to speak with your divorce mediator during your consultation about the final costs.

Can a San Diego Divorce Mediation Firm Help with Child Custody?

Mediators can help craft a parenting plan that works with each party’s schedule. We understand that each family’s needs differ, so it makes no sense to try and implement a cookie-cutter plan. Instead, your San Diego divorce mediator will sit down and work with each of you to ensure your custody plan is a good fit for every stage of your life.

Navigating divorce mediation in San Diego County doesn’t have to be impossible. We would love to provide you with more information. Contact West Coast Family Mediation to learn more.

Use our form to contact us, or call 858-707-5133 for more information.

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