How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation

If you have made the decision to pursue divorce mediation, it is always wise to do a bit of research beforehand, so you know what to expect. Divorce is a marathon, not a sprint and there are many emotional and financial challenges that you may encounter. A divorce mediator acts as a guiding hand through the process, allowing you and your spouse to work through issues and concerns while creating a mutual respect that will extend far beyond the mediation sessions. Here are a few ways that you can prepare for your impending divorce mediation.

Assess What Is Important

Your time is important during your mediation sessions. The majority of people tend to have one to two hours per session to work through the divorce process. The number of sessions you will require will largely depend on the complexity of your divorce and the ability for you and your spouse to work together to resolve potential conflicts. You should sit down and assess the issues that are most important to you. Are you most concerned with the split of a particular asset? Do you need time with your children to go on vacation every summer? Make a list and share it with your mediator at the beginning of your divorce process. That way they can budget time accordingly to discuss these issues.

Gather Financial Documents

The dividing of two lives inevitably involves the split of assets and debts. You are required by law to disclose all your financial documents to the other spouse, or potentially face harsh penalties. To help the process go more smoothly it is helpful to have the following financial documents available:

  • Last two years of tax refunds
  • Last three months of pay stubs
  • Most recent credit card or loan statements
  • Most recent bank statements
  • Description of your vehicles and other major assets
  • Most recent retirement statements

There are other particular items that your mediator may need copies of that may not be listed here. Talk to your divorce mediator about any other financial statements you may need to disclose.

For more information about how to schedule your first divorce mediation session, contact the West Coast Family Mediation Center. Call (858) 736-2411 today!

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