Many people in Southern California are gearing up for a late summer wedding. You may be running around, putting together all the final touches, dreaming about your big day. While we put such an emphasis on the wedding day, many people don’t set up the foundation for a long-lasting marriage. Furthermore, all too many couples overlook the fantastic benefits a prenuptial agreement can provide for your marriage. The mediators at West Coast Family Mediation Center are happy to assist you in creating a mutually beneficial agreement.
Solidifying Expectations
One of the biggest causes of marital conflict is unmet or conflicting expectations. Before a couple commits to each other, it is crucial that they sit down and discuss what roles, responsibilities, and tasks they would like to take on. How will finances be organized? What about children? Will one spouse stay home? Who will work? These are important questions that are all too often ignored before tying the knot. A prenuptial agreement provides each spouse with the opportunity to sit down with a neutral third party and discuss important issues before they become large conflicts.
Mediation Before Therapy
Married couples tend to sit down with a neutral third-party when they are having problems communicating. We believe in proactive discussions before tempers rise, letting you discuss the issues that are important to you before anger gets in the way. Mediators are specially trained to deal with conflict. We are used to talking about difficult, awkward, or embarrassing issues. Trust us; we have heard it all! At SDFMC we can also bring up potential concerns that you may not have thought about yet. Many couples that come to us with a goal of creating a prenup end up leaving much happier with a deeper understanding of their soon-to-be spouse.
Marriage Insurance Policy
One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about prenuptial agreements is that they are planning for a divorce. Of course, no one gets married knowing that they will divorce, just like you don’t purchase homeowners insurance with the expectation that your house will burn down. A prenup is an insurance policy that if you get a divorce, you would have clear instructions on what and how your assets should be divided. Prenups can save you time, stress, and money.
Prenuptial Agreement
If you would like to discuss creating a prenup, contact West Coast Family Mediation to schedule a consultation.
by: Amanda Singer